Thursday, November 28, 2013


I could worry more about things that may be urged by the doctors. Medicine, machines.  Who knows best?

I worry less right now because I know:  I am not a disease.  I am a person and most of me is well.

Because I am a "healer."
I did not use any IV pain medicine after the lumbar fusion.
I climbed half a flight of stairs without a PT the second day home from post-up spine rehab, because I was determined to get into that restaurant and eat dinner with my daughter.  Like a well person.
I had a medical scare several years ago.  Umpteen biopsies and tests  later, there are no further symptoms.
Even my California dentist said I'm a healer.

I dare to believe this illness may be (or may have been) a blessing.

I have plans, and those plans don't include being an invalid.

I still meet women in their eighties who are doing fine, and looking good.  One of them was still skiing last time I spoke to her.  One of them, who exercises in the pool three mornings a week, is a breast cancer survivor.

It's okay to plan for a future decade.

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