Friday, September 28, 2018


Today I have to throw away four small slices of cheese. For a cheese addict, this is like throwing away a car.

It seems I need to watch the salt intake (due to retaining water.)  Along with drinking enough water.

So, I have to check labels for more  than just sugar - the sodium content can be staggering, as can the fat content.  Less fat = more salt too often. Gotcha!

Day before yesterday I ignored reality and bought a package of a cheese I really, really like.  Now, the label  keeps jumping out at me, shouting FAT and SALT!   And those ankles are a bit...puffy.  No, I won't say "stay tuned for the big cheese sacrifice."

What I will say is: if you suspect that salt and fat may play a part in your weight (or whatever part of your health) you might try reading labels on your next trip to the store for fun and excitement.

If your spouse buys all the food, do your label recon at home, say "No, thank you" to danger, and go feed the cat to avoid a discussion.

Friday, September 21, 2018

THE LAST 4 OR 5 POUNDS - True confessions..

I was serious on the 5th about that fact:

The more you bring home of something to eat, the more you eat!

A week or so ago, my daughter was going to the store, asked for my list.  I included "2 or 3 Lara bars."

When she brought my food, she said:  "There are so many bars in here because they had the sale to end all sales."  Yikes.

NO, I don't throw them away, they are healthy food.
Carry one to stay away from Biggie Burger after hours in the doctor's office....
They don't freeze hard enough to make me stop and think.
It's not Halloween, so I don't feel required to give them away.

 Before the end of the day, I had eaten 1 1/4 already.  And the rest of the week, and now... trying to watch myself about them.  Eating more bread and butter is not the solution.

One fact that keeps me from  overdoing is:

When we think we're hungry, we may really be thirsty.  So I check on whether I'm drinking enough water.  Or decaf.  (Or, we may just want another bar.)

I wish you health.

Friday, September 14, 2018

THE LAST 4 or 5 POUNDS - Great Expectations

Yesterday the scales hit a new number that I haven't seen for far too long.  It was only a difference of ounces, but felt like a victory.

This morning I woke feeling no better than I did pounds ago. I had expected to feel healthy,  wealthy,and wise.  And all that other stuff.  Instead, stiff and sore. I need to face what doctors I respect say on line almost every day: 
A sedentary lifestyle is a problem at any weight.   

I'm older, as well as a few pounds lighter. I've been in the chair too often with a mystery or a modem in hand.  This lighter body needs exercise as much as ever, and no Hollywood hills here to climb, no beach for easy jogging. 

So, I was delighted to see my Physical Therapist today for some hard work on leg muscles.  

I wish you health.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


The doctor isn't impressed with the amount I've lost, but I like my slowly earned numbers!

One FACT that can help:

The more of something you bring home, the more you eat!

(So my freezer has six packs of plain veggies- one serving to start a meal.)

I avoid the full container of chopped peanuts, and
Avoid the delicious variety of cheese sticks, and stick to one pack.
And only one container of Tzatziki- which I love
I buy several Lara Bars but rush them into the freezer!

The other thing I stock up on a bit is apples.  (Peeling them slows me down, so I don't eat too many.)

Bottom line: Put away your crisis food,
Then don't stock up unless the market is more than a long day's journey away.

(Or you have a tough trainer to rush things into the freezer.)

I wish you health.