Thursday, June 12, 2014

When a loved one is diagnosed with breast cancer:

If someone you love is newly diagnosed, I hope you will read this advice from a retired female oncologist.  If you are newly diagnosed, I hope your friends and family will read this.

Good advice comes in strange packages.  This is from The Crab Diaries.  Her post was titled:   Love and Loyalty From the Souls of Dogs, about a friend's dog getting ready to die, while another dog stands guard over his last hours.  And no, this is not to insult you or yours.  As an oncologist, she says:

"Sometimes friends and families of my patients are uncomfortable 
visiting their loved ones  after a diagnosis of cancer
,or even more so at the end of life. 
 They ask me, “What should I say?” or “What can I do?” 
The answer is revealed in Nan’s picture of Roo and Barkool: 
 without fanfare, without words, without tears, just be there."

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