Friday, March 15, 2019

Half a month without Tamoxifen


Do I feel better without it?  Uh...No.  For one thing, we have measles in our area.  I remember Chicken Pox (Mom concerned about our eyes. Put us kids together in one room, etc,.)

Measles?  Nothing.  So I brooded.  Doctor offered the test.  Oops! Not immune.  Got the shot (not painful) but I have to wait six more days  before I can feel sure I'm immune.

So far, as to Tamox, I don't have muscle aches and "remembered after-effects" that some women have had.  So will that last?

So far, not scared into wanting more Tamox.

But:  It's been clear for years that oncologist was not correct when he told me I wouldn't have that tummy bulge he has.  I have it.  Did I get it from Tamox?  Who knows.  I was often lazy during those five years.  Now I'm collecting exercises for that bulge and more.

John's Hopkins has a giant pack of health handouts for diabetes, but I'm interested in the part: "The Skinny on Visceral Fat ... stored deep in the belly is the most harmful kind." There's a bit on exercise.  I'm having laptop trouble switching back to that, but I usually just ask Google for John's Hopkins exercises for visceral fat.

Okay, doctors and patients:  what's your experience with anyone being BETTER after leaving Tamoxifen?  How long will it take?

I wish you health.

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