Wednesday, September 5, 2018


The doctor isn't impressed with the amount I've lost, but I like my slowly earned numbers!

One FACT that can help:

The more of something you bring home, the more you eat!

(So my freezer has six packs of plain veggies- one serving to start a meal.)

I avoid the full container of chopped peanuts, and
Avoid the delicious variety of cheese sticks, and stick to one pack.
And only one container of Tzatziki- which I love
I buy several Lara Bars but rush them into the freezer!

The other thing I stock up on a bit is apples.  (Peeling them slows me down, so I don't eat too many.)

Bottom line: Put away your crisis food,
Then don't stock up unless the market is more than a long day's journey away.

(Or you have a tough trainer to rush things into the freezer.)

I wish you health.

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