Friday, September 14, 2018

THE LAST 4 or 5 POUNDS - Great Expectations

Yesterday the scales hit a new number that I haven't seen for far too long.  It was only a difference of ounces, but felt like a victory.

This morning I woke feeling no better than I did pounds ago. I had expected to feel healthy,  wealthy,and wise.  And all that other stuff.  Instead, stiff and sore. I need to face what doctors I respect say on line almost every day: 
A sedentary lifestyle is a problem at any weight.   

I'm older, as well as a few pounds lighter. I've been in the chair too often with a mystery or a modem in hand.  This lighter body needs exercise as much as ever, and no Hollywood hills here to climb, no beach for easy jogging. 

So, I was delighted to see my Physical Therapist today for some hard work on leg muscles.  

I wish you health.

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