Monday, January 11, 2016


After seeing my bone scan, my primary doctor said she was going to prescribe the pills, and if I couldn't take them, she would send me to someone in my area to get the shots.  The prospect of a new doctor who knows nothing about me, and who seems to mostly give shots, makes me want to run.

I have inherited significant sinus irritations that can fill my throat for weeks with heavy mucus.  As a bonus add to that a hiatal hernia that keeps things slowed down in my esophagus at times. Both problems are good reasons not to take the pills.

The decision was simplified when I told my oncologist I didn't want the pills, and he told me he doesn't allow them for his cancer patients. (I'm a patient even tho the DCIS is supposedly cured.)  And so I spent weeks of digging through the web for serious statistics on Prolia.  They were not comforting.  What comfort I got these past weeks was his tireless reassurance that no one in his whole group has seen any signs of the horrid side effects we read about.

I hit a snag when I found that patients with a certain side effect of bone meds were being sent to my dentist for some jaw repairs.  This stressed me out, and I don't even know if those people were on the pills or on Prolia.  I don't know if they already had dental problems.

On the other hand, there are reasons for me, especially, to take some meds for my bones:  I have foot problems that can interfere with weight-bearing exercise (more about exercise later.).  And, my lower spine could not be scanned for density because of screws from a lumbar fusion.

So in three days, I'll be in the infusion room (I've even been afraid to Look in there.)  Luckily, that room is really part of my oncologist's office, so I'll be in a familiar place with people who can reach him if I have a problem. That's comfort.

 And then we'll see.

I wish you health.

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