Monday, September 9, 2013

CANCER Are we really making progress?

Today Dr. Miranda Fielding told a wonderful story of a courageous patient on

I encourage you to read it.  At the risk of plagiarizing myself, this was approximately my comment:

I salute the woman in the story, her doctor, and other brilliant oncologists. For me, the key phrase is "the cost of that survival."   And Dr. Fielding is courageous enough to use the phrase "radiation induced."

On this one patient, radiation has been used for about forty years.  

Trying to concentrate on the story, I kept thinking: Where is the research?  Where is the research? 

 We can make a six-speed automobile; we can equip it so it avoids hitting the car in front of it. Have we spent more money on automotive research than on  cancer cures? Do we spend more money on automotive research than on cancer prevention? Who pays for the research?  Who's in charge?

 What do we care about?   

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