Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Leftover Tamoxifen, My Doctor, and me

Because of prescription dates, I had a jar or two of Tamoxifen left over on the last day of the five years.  I hate waste, so I asked the doctor if there was someone who needed the rest of the pills.

Suddenly I got an unwelcome shot of reality.  "Throw them away.  They're cheap." he said.  He looked me in the eye and added firmly, "Do you know one pill for cancer can cost $9.00?"

Suddenly we were in two different worlds.  I'd heard astonishing prices for any cancer medication;  Far more than $9.  Far more than I would be able to pay..

I also knew the cost of those last bottles of Tamox.was noticeable on a retirement budget and Medicare. Affordable at that price for people near me?  It didn't really feel cheap.
 And what about women who need Tamox along with other meds?

We're all (I hope) a little more aware of Rx costs because of the desperation of people needing Insulin.   And my measles test (not immune) and the shot that I did need.  Yes, I think I'm still paying.
These are tough time for other people, too.. Someone has attempted to forge my identity for her heart treatments.

So is it silly to pass along Tamoxifen?

I still secretly have some left. What are your thoughts?

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