Some tumors can hide out and quietly repair their own DNA. "Without such repairs, the cells can become so genomically dysfunctional that they have little recourse but to die."
Drugs called PARP [or poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase] inhibitors looked like the answer.
But some tumors have been impervious to PARPs from the start.
Some tumors became immune to PARPs.
Dana-Farber scientists have been working on triple-negative breast cells using an enabler to boost PARP effectiveness.
One of these "boosters" is dinaciclib.
" with a PARP inhibitor and dinaciclib,
tumors that previously hadn’t responded to PARP inhibitors stopped growing "
Also " the addition of dinaciclib had an especially dramatic effect:
tumors whose growth had merely been stymied by the PARP inhibitor
now began to durably shrink."
(Ovarian cancer is also mentioned in this article, but at the moment I don't see specific mention of Dana-Farber working with this pair of drugs on ovarian cancer.)
"as posted in Cell Reports today"
I'm way out on the diving board with this cell process - suggest you get the TW link to the article, or
When I just Google Dana-Farber right now, I get the whole headline of release..