Wednesday, May 6, 2020


"Have you been around any kids?
One day some years ago in L.A.  I  went to my beloved doctor with something that was probably NOT my endless fight with  the  "air".

His asking about kids left me speechless.

My "kids" by then were "my grownups" and did not live with me.  I have never pinched nor tried to kiss other people's babies.  And flinch when other people do, subjecting the babies to who knows what.

He gave me a short course on what babies can get...AND GIVE.

Now comes our killer virus.  And we are cautioned to keep everyone apart.  But with schools closed, I went hunting for what to do if there is no one to kid-watch.  And some toddlers already know the route and know when we are going to Granpa's or Grandma's.

A group, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta 
spot lights on line some places even  really tiny kids can get serious stuff to pass along;
It includes some tough-as-a-Marine cleaning recipes for germy stuff; like a spray of rubbing alcohol and distilled water on a cloth to clean my phone and maybe my keyboard.  And cleaning of pet toys that many little kids love. And sporting goods.

Since I'm an older person, I have worried at times when really tiny toddlers rush to the elevator to see Grandma or Grandpa.  I want them safe, and face it: I want to be safe, too.

As that group CHoa says, none of this is medical advice!

I wish you health.

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