Wednesday, March 25, 2020

AGAINST THE ODDS- a RANT or at least a Whine

I live in a big apartment building, with people of various ages.  As in most such placesrldo, the owner does not live here.
We are mostly aware of the dangers in the world now, but I have more questions than answers.

When the virus was just beginning to worry us, we had a little fire here. When the firemen let us back in, the crush into the elevators was just as I remember from the dorm after spring break; I took the stairs easily, cane and all.  

I still take them, though it means a few trips from the car with groceries.  I seldom saw anyone on them so I felt safe until noon today. Now the people on lower floors are encouraged to used the stairs.  There goes my sanctuary. 

Do I need a rag in my pocket soaked in spray bleach?  Or a big rubber glove to wear on stairs.

What's your take on saving each other?

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